Effet de la couche fenetre sur les performances d’une cellule solaire à base de GaAs

  • M. Benaicha Département de physique, Université Elhadj lakhdar, Batna
  • A. Ounissi Département de physique, Université Elhadj lakhdar, Batna


Abstract- During the last years, III-V solar cells were widely used, more particularly in spatial applications, because of their high conversion efficiency and their weak degradation in front of space irradiations. This paper reports on a simulation of a GaAs solar cell using a PC1D. The properties of the top layer in a solar cell (thickness, doping,...) in particular, plays a crucial role in its performances, in order to optimise them we analysed their influence on the Photovoltaic parameters of the cell. To demonstrate the importance of the deposition of a window layer Ga1-xAlxAs on the top of a GaAs solar cell we carried out a comparison of performances between a cell with a window and a conventional GaAs cell (without window). The optimized structure gives the following results: η =26.5% end FF=86.05%. We also compare these cell performances with those of an optimised GaAs single junction solar cell to show the window layer improvement.


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Comment citer
BENAICHA, M.; OUNISSI, A.. Effet de la couche fenetre sur les performances d’une cellule solaire à base de GaAs. Science des matériaux (Laboratoire LARHYSS), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 02, mai 2016. ISSN 2352-9954. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz./index.php/sdm/article/view/1533>. Date de consultation : 07 mars 2025