دور منظمات المجتمع المدني في تفعيل التمكين السياسي للمراة الجزائرية خلال الألفية الثالثة

  • كهينة جربال جامعة تيزي وزو


دور منظمات المجتمع المدني في تفعيل التمكين السياسي للمراة الجزائرية خلال الألفية الثالثة

Women's file and issues have shaped the focus of the organizations Algerian civil society in general, and women's associations in a particular since the beginning of the third millennium, in compliance with Algerian's international obligations concerning the women empowerment of its overall human rights in light of the internationalization of the gender approach , the fact that reflected on the content of the official discourse of most of
these organizations and its orientations, which has become encourages the involvement of women in its ranks. it has also tried to adopt some of the measures aiming at strengthening its presence within its interior structures. in addition to organizing national campaigns to involve substantial amendments on the Algerian's legislative system to devote aperspective of the social gender in the national public policy.
But, in spite of that, its efforts did not contribute, even at the least degree in the embodiment of political empowerment of women actually, because it collided with the nature of the Algerian political system, which was rushed to the containment and the deprivation of its independence.hence, the overwhelming majority of them became just as a ceremonial and dependent organizations used by the political system to let gain the social front ,and to purchase of the social peace, and therefore ,the legal advantages enjoyed by the women in Algeria in recent decades, did not secreted or
by the maturity of civil society ,or by the maturity of the political system, but rather were imposed by the international obligations.

Comment citer
جربال, كهينة. دور منظمات المجتمع المدني في تفعيل التمكين السياسي للمراة الجزائرية خلال الألفية الثالثة. مجلة الناقد, [S.l.], n. 1, fév. 2018. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz./index.php/naked/article/view/2828>. Date de consultation : 23 fév. 2025