Bat Algorithm for Solving IVPs of Current Expression in Series RL Circuit Constant Voltage Case

  • Fatima Ouaar Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Mohamed Khider University, Biskra, Algeria.


In this paper, an efficient method for solving Initial Value Problems (IVPs) in Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) used in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering is demonstrated. The method is based on the Bat-Inspired Algorithm (BA), which simulates the echolocation navigation system used by bats to detect and pursue their prey. In the case of constant voltage, the IVPs arise from an RL circuit consisting of a resistor and an inductor connected in series. The suggested method’s usability and effectiveness are confirmed by the experimental results obtained by numerical example. The findings reveal that the BA algorithm produces a satisfactory and precise approximation of the answers when compared to the exact solution in terms of solution quality.

Keywords: Bat Algorithm (BA), Initial Value Problems (IVP), Series RL circuit

MSC: 65-05, 65L05, 65D99.


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Communicated Editor: Mohamed Berbiche

Manuscript received Mar 28, 2024; revised Nov 20, 2024; accepted Dec 03, 2024; published Dec 07, 2024.


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Comment citer
OUAAR, Fatima. Bat Algorithm for Solving IVPs of Current Expression in Series RL Circuit Constant Voltage Case. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Simulation, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, déc. 2024. ISSN 2992-1708. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 23 fév. 2025