This paper is concerned with the undrained bearing capacity of embedded strip footing under inclined loading (i.e. combined
vertical and horizontal). A series of numerical computations using the finite-difference code Fast Lagrangian Analysis of
Continua (FLAC) was carried out to evaluate the failure envelopes in vertical force – horizontal force (V-H) plane, using both
probe and swipe analyses. The adopted approach involves a numerical solution of the equations governing elasto-plastic soils.
The soil is modeled by an elasto-plastic model with a Tresca criterion. The results are presented in terms of the failure
envelope in vertical and horizontal loading plane.
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[2] Meyerhof, G.G. Some recent research on the bearing
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[17] Salgado, R., Lyamin, A.V., Sloan, S.W., Yu, H.S.
Two- and three-dimensional bearing capacity of
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[18] Edwards, D.H., Zdravkovic, L., Potts, D.M. Depth
factors for undrained bearing capacity. Géotechnique 2005;
55 (10), 755–758.
[19] Gourvenec, S. Effect of embedment on the undrained
capacity of shallow foundations under general loading.
Géotechnique 2008; 58(3), 177–185.
[20] Gourvenec, S.M. Barnett, S. Undrained failure
envelope for skirted foundations under general loading.
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[21] Bransby, M.F., Randolph, M.F. Combined loading of
skirted foundations. Géotechnique 1998 48 (5), 637–655.
[22] FLAC – Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua,
version 5.0. ITASCA Consulting Group, Inc., Minneapolis;
[23] Tan, F.S.C. Centrifuge and theoretical modelling of
conical footings on sand. PhD thesis, University of
Cambridge, 1990.
[24] Bransby, M.F., Randolph, M. F. (1999). The effect of
embedment depth on the undrained response of skirted
foundations to combined loading. Soils Found 1999; 39(4),
19 –33.
Comment citer
Courrier du Savoir, [S.l.], v. 18, juin 2014.
ISSN 1112-3338.
Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz./index.php/cds/article/view/642>. Date de consultation : 07 mars 2025