This article describes a new approach for software component architecture to deal with dynamic adaptation of softwaresystems. We introduced the concept of "Background Component" in our IASA software component model. The Background
components are a set of components that run at the back ground level to adapt dynamically the software architecture. The
proposed approach is close to that of intelligent agents which manage all types of events during the deployment or the
implementation of the architecture.
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[2] PRISM Laboratory Website, University of
[3] Hadjkacem M., “Modelling dynamic distributed
applications architecture: Design and Validation“, Ph.D.
thesis, University of Toulouse and Sfax, November 2008.
[4] Saadi A., "An action language for the specification and
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[8] Loulou I., Hadjkacem M, Jmaiel M., and Drira K. “Towards
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based architectures description in z”. In ICPS’04:
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[10] CHAUDET C., "P-Space: language and tools for describing
architectures for scalable dynamic components. Formalizing
software architectures and industry”. PhD thesis, University
of Savoie, French. December 2002.
[11] Leger M., "Reliable dynamic reconfigurations in
component", phd thesis, MINES, ParisTech, May 2009.
[12] Grondin G., " MaDcAr-Agent: a model of agents self-
adaptive based component ". PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne,
France, 24 novembre 2008.
[13] Ballagnymocas G. "a component model based statements
for self-adaptation.", PhD thesis, university of pau and
« pays de l'adour », 2010, French.
[14] Dowling J. “The Decentralised Coordination of Self-
Adaptive Components for Autonomic Distributed Systems”.
PhD thesis, Dept of Computer Science, Trinity College,
Dublin, Ireland, 2004.
[15] Pierre-Charles D. " Développement de composants Fractal
adaptatifs : un langage dédié à l'aspect d'adaptation ". PhD
thesis, Nantes, Nantes, Franch, 2005.
[16] Rui S. M, Gordon S. B, and Carrapatoso E. Formaware:
“Framework of reflective components for managing
architecture adaptation”. In Alberto Coen-Porisini and
André van der Hoek, editors, SEM, volume 2596 of Lecture
Comment citer
Courrier du Savoir, [S.l.], v. 14, mai 2014.
ISSN 1112-3338.
Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 22 fév. 2025